They Came Before Columbus – The African Presence in Ancient America (A Book Review)


Book Review

They Came Before Columbus – The African Presence in Ancient America.

Appx. 1,500 words.



They Came Before Columbus – The African Presence in Ancient America (A Book Review).

They came before Columbus is pertinent in proving the existence of the Africans in ancient American. The Author, Van Sertima, seeks to validate the presence through a detailed, thought-provoking recap of the evidence acquired over the years. The arguments range from navigation and shipbuilding, the cultural and linguistic similarities, the transportation of plants, cloth, and animals to the architectural presence. This essay seeks to review the book. First, it will give a summary of the book covering the main points that the author made. Secondly, then outline the author’s purpose in writing the book, the target audience, the question that the author answered, and those he left unanswered, the readers view of the topic is clarified, and finally, an evaluation on whether the book was an excellent example for historical writing.

The existence of the Africans before pre-Columbian times has significantly been analyzed. The author notes that Columbus was first made aware of the African by Don Juan, which he ignored but was later alarmed when the Indian gave proof that they had been trading with the black people with spears whose tops were made of metal they called gua-nin (Van Sertima, 1976, p. 13). Van Sertima (the author) references a French anthropologist in 1964 who shares the ideology that the remaining connector between the Negroid terra-cottas of ancient America and African existence was the Negroid skeletons reported pre-Christian (p. 27). Additionally, the author mentions archaeological evidence of the Negroid face and existence in ancient America, an example in stone reliefs (p. 150) confirmed later in the era of carbon dating. There are just a few of the situations outlined in the book referencing the African pre-Columbus’s existence………

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Appx. 1,500 words.


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