
[Solved] EDUC 615X – Image Project Design Paper – Using the ADDIE Model of Instructional Design



This is a comprehensive solution to the ‘Image Project Design Paper’ instruction prompt. The solution is graded at UMass and therefore it is an accurate depiction of how to create an Image Instructional Lesson using the ADDIE Model.

It contains:

  • A response to all the headings below.
  • The actual Image-based Lesson.
  • The material used to prepare the lesson.

Image Project Design Paper

Insert Your Name(s) Here

Title of your design project

Design Project (e.g., interactive image, infographic, poster, etc)


Description: (What are you designing and why?)


Design Project Link: insert a link to your interactive image (share via Google Drive)



What topic did you select for your design project? Why did you select this topic? (hint: Don’t make any assumptions, use evidence to justify your decision)



Market research

Have people designed images/audio/video related to your topic? How will your design project differ?


Who is the audience for your design project (e.g., who are the learners)?



How did you collect data about your audience (interviews? Surveys? Demographic research)?



What did you learn about your audience?

(e.g., Who are the learners? What do they already know about your topic? What do they need to know? How do they want to learn? What type of technology do they have access to? What do you need to keep in mind in terms of accessibility and usability?)




What is the learning objective for your design project?

(hint: Create a SMART learning objective, focusing on higher-order thinking skills at the top of the Bloom’s Taxonomy pyramid; please don’t use “learners will ‘understand’…”)


How will the design of your project help your audience meet the learning objective?

(discuss the decisions that went into each step of the design process – how did you select relevant content? Organize and chunk the content? Did you incorporate an interactive learning experience?)


How did you go about designing the content for the project?

Did you create the content yourself (if so, did you adhere to copyright laws? *Any form of purposeful plagiarism is an automatic fail)? Did you work with a subject matter expert?


How did you incorporate a knowledge of how people learn

(e.g., memory & learning, pedagogical techniques, ARCS model of motivational design) into the design of your project?


How did you incorporate design principles and strategies

(e.g., Non-Designers Design Book principles, made to stick principles, visual design techniques, Mayer’s design principles) to improve learning and reduce cognitive load for your topic?


Prototype – please embed image(s) of your paper/whiteboard/index card prototype

(e.g., storyboard, sketch of an image, visual outline of the learning experience)


What did you learn from conducting usability testing of your prototype?



How did you go about developing your design project?

Which software programs or digital tools did you use for the design process? How did you learn to use these tools?



Did you incorporate any media that you did not design into your project?

If so, did you ensure that all media was copyright-free or creative commons? Did you make sure to give attribution and follow the creative commons licensing?


If you had to select a creative commons license for your project, which one would you choose? Please explain your decision



What did you learn from accessibility & usability testing for your project?

Did you include alt text for all images? Headings for text content? Is your project accessible on all devices and browsers? Is the content easy to understand?



How do you plan to implement your project (e.g., share on social media? Use in a classroom setting? Train a teacher to use the digital media tool?)?

Be as detailed as possible – for social media: What groups would you post the image in on social media? What would you write in the post to increase viewership and learning? For implementation in classrooms, provide an example lesson plan. To train a teacher or hand-off to a client, provide detailed information about how to use and remix.



How do you plan to evaluate the effectiveness of your project?

Survey? Interview? Observation? Data analytics? Add a bullet point list of evaluation questions you would use in a survey/interview and a detailed plan for collecting and analyzing data. (Hint: Make sure to describe how you will evaluate both the design tool and the impact on learning)


Reflection & Critique

What worked well? What could be improved? If you had to do this project over again, what would you do differently? Why?


What did you learn from this project about multimedia production, design techniques, instructional design, teaching, and/or learning?








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