
[Solved] APK5121 Communicator Style Assessment for a Coach



Communicator Style Short Form (12-item including Communicator Image)

The following questions will provide you with a brief description of a communication style. You will be asked to respond to each question about how much you agree you do what the description says.

There are no right or wrong answers. Do not spend too much time on any one question, instead, let your first thought be your guide. Try to answer as honestly as possible. Some questions will be hard to answer because you honestly do not know the answer, but try to determine which way you are leaning and answer in that direction.

An example item could be:

“You are comfortable with all varieties of athletes, laughs easily, and has a voice that is very easy to recognize.”

An example response could be: You would circle your level agreement with how much this description fits your behaviors.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Disagree nor Agree Agree Strongly


1 2 3  4 5

Please use the scale below to rate your agreement with how accurately each description describes your head coach’s typical behavior. Circle the number that represents your response for each group of behaviors.

  Statement Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Disagree nor Agree Agree Strongly Agree
    1 2 3 4 5
1. I readily expresses admiration for athletes, routinely verbally acknowledge athletes’ contributions, am always an extremely friendly communicator, and tend to be very encouraging to athletes when communicating. 1 2 3 4 5
2. I usually leave a definite impression on athletes which they tend to remember based on the way I say something. 1 2 3 4 5
3. I am a very relaxed communicator and come across as a relaxed speaker under pressure. I am rarely nervous when I speak. 1 2 3 4 5
4. I am very quick to challenge athletes when they disagree with me, am very argumentative, have a hard time stopping myself once involved in a heated discussion, and am bothered when I have to drop an argument that is not resolved. 1 2 3 4 5
5. I can always repeat back to an athlete exactly what was meant, really like to listen very carefully to athletes, and am an extremely attentive communicator. If I do not hear what the athlete says, I deliberately react in such a way that athletes know I am not listening to them. 1 2 3 4 5
6. I am a very precise (or exact) communicator, insist upon using precise (or exact) definitions in arguments, like to be strictly accurate when communicating, and often insist that athletes document or present some kind of proof for what they are arguing. 1 2 3 4 5
7. I have eyes that reflect exactly what I’m feeling and tend to constantly gesture (uses hands to motion) when I communicate. I’m very expressive nonverbally (communication without words/sounds) and actively use a lot of facial expressions when communicating. 1 2 3 4 5
8. I dramatizes a lot, and regularly tell jokes, anecdotes and stories when communicating. I often physically and vocally act out when I want to communicate and very frequently verbally exaggerate to emphasize a point. 1 2 3 4 5
9. I, as a rule openly express feelings and emotions, and am an extremely open communicator who readily reveals personal things about myself. 1 2 3 4 5
10. I generally speak very frequently in most situations and am dominant in coaching situations. I try to take charge of things when I’m with athletes and tend to come on strong during coaching sessions. 1 2 3 4 5
11. I’m a very good communicator, and always find it very easy to communicate on a one-to-one basis with athletes. I’m a very good communicator in a small group of athletes and find it easy to maintain a conversation with athletes I have just met. 1 2 3 4 5
    None of Them 2 of Them 3 of Them 4 of Them 5 of Them
12. Out of a random group of six people I would probably have a better communicator style than… 1 2 3 4 5

Self-Scoring Instructions:

For Questions 1 – 10, the higher scores indicate more alignment with those types of communicator styles. For example, if you score a 5, then the athlete thinks you represent that communicator style fully. Since you are asking multiple athletes to complete this assessment, you will need to get the average score for EACH question. For example, if you have three (3) athletes completing this assessment, you will add up each of their scores for you on question 1 then divide the total by 3. The resulting score (the average score for that question) for question 1 is YOUR final score for question 1. You need to repeat this process for each question. Report your final, average score for each question in the table below.

For questions 11 & 12, add the two scores together then divide the total by 2 (get the average of the two questions). The higher the average score indicates a more positive communicator image. For these two questions, you need to average questions 11 & 12 together for EACH athlete’s response THEN add up each average score and divide by the number of athletes that took this assessment to get your final score. For example, if three athletes completed this for you, for EACH ATHLETE, get the average score for questions 11 & 12 then add up all three averages and divide by 3 to get your final score for these questions.

Below shows you which communicator style was measured by each question:


Question # Communicator Style Measured Your Final (Averaged) Scores
1 Friendly  
2 Impression Leaving  
3 Relaxed  
4 Contentious/Argumentative  
5 Attentive  
6 Precise  
7 Animated/Expressive  
8 Dramatic  
9 Open  
10 Dominant  
11 Communicator Image  



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