Meditation III – Descartes Explored




Descartes’ argument leads to the conclusion that we can trust our clear and distinct ideas. In meditation three, Descartes embarks on three goals, to validate his ideas, introduce the place of doubt and prove the existence of God. At the start, in order to prove ideas clear and distinct, Descartes believes there should be no room for doubt. Clear and distinct ideas do not generate doubt. His argument is that the knowledge creation process is explained as “in this first instance of knowledge, there is nothing but a certain clear and distinct perception of what I affirm” and this then proceeds to “everything I very clearly and distinctly perceive is true”. He then introduces the idea of God which is used to affirm his ideas as true and also using his ideas to prove the existence of God. The third meditation also references the case of causality….. (buy to read more).

Appx. 800 words.


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