[Answered] – CCJ 5705 – Assignment #3 – Compare and contrast the mean, the median, and the mode. Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative methods.


Below are a series of questions designed to reinforce the materials that we have discussed in class and that you have read about in the book.

  1. Compare and contrast the mean, the median, and the mode.
  2. Choose two research designs that can be used in evaluation research.  Describe how these research designs can be useful in evaluation research.
  3. Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative methods.  Be sure to mention how they can be used in evaluation research.
  4. Briefly describe ethical challenges in evaluation research.
  5. Describe the basic steps that you need to employ when preparing data for analysis.


This document contains the responses to Assignment #3 for CCJ5705/ CCJ 5705 offered at Florida State University.


Mean, mode and median are all measures of central tendency. The summary of central tendency is done using one of the three statistics either the mode, the median or the mean. During a particular application, the mode, mean or median maybe used since each element plays a different role (Bachman & Schutt, 2013).

The mode is the value in a distribution that is frequently used although some distributions may have two values that have the highest frequency hence having more than one mode. Bimodal is used to refer to distributions with two values with the highest frequency while those with three high frequency values are termed as trimodal. There are also distributions without a mode hence meaning that no case is more common than others in a data. Another challenge that can be encountered when using mode is that the value might fall far from the main clustering in a distribution (Bachman & Schutt, 2013). This would be misleading since it would be interpreted as the modal value being similar to variable’s central tendency. However, the mode can be very appropriate in certain occasions. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the mode is the only measure of central tendency that is used in characterization of the central tendency of variables measured at nominal level.

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