[Solved] ENGL147N – Week 1 Assignment- Argument Research Essay Topic and Proposal



Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Apply the following writing resources to your assignment:


The goal of an argument research proposal is to create a working argument stance and a basic plan that considers context, audience, and purpose and that presents potential approaches to research.

Keep in mind that rather than being an outline or structural plan for your essay, this proposal should ground you in the conversation, should offer direction for research needs, and should give your professor ample focused material viable for providing effective feedback before you begin researching and writing.

Access the Proposal Template and complete the three required sections.

For an example proposal and development techniques, refer to your textbook reading for the week.

Writing Requirements (APA format):

For proper APA format, please see the APA section in the Chamberlain Writing Center.

  • Length: About 1 ½ – 2 pages (not including references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page


This activity will be graded based on the Argument Research Essay Topic and Proposal Grading Rubric.

Course Outcomes (CO): 1, 2, 3

Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday


ENGL147 Wk1

ENGL147 Wk1
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome I. A. Stance
10 pts

The debate is chosen from the options provided and includes an arguable stance within the debate.

8 pts

The debate is chosen from the options provided and includes a statement of stance within the debate that may not be viable for an argument essay.

6 pts

The debate is chosen from the options provided, but the statement is not arguable. The stance statement may be a statement of fact and not an argument.

0 pts

The debate is not chosen from the options provided or is off-topic.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome I. B. Reasons for Viability
10 pts

In at least 3 sentences, the reasons for the stance being viable are discussed well, with specific reasons that support the goals of an argument essay.

8 pts

In at least 3 sentences, the reasons for the stance being viable are discussed with reasons that support the goals of an argument essay. The sentences may lack detail or focus toward argument.

6 pts

The reasons for the stance being viable are discussed in fewer than 3 sentences or are lacking in specificity or an argument focus.

0 pts

The debate is not chosen from the options provided or is off-topic.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome I. C. Opposing Viewpoints
10 pts

In at least 3 sentences, the student addresses viable possible opposing viewpoints and explains why others might reasonably disagree with the student’s stance.

8 pts

In at least 3 sentences, the student addresses viable possible opposing viewpoints and explains why others might disagree with the student’s stance. The opposing viewpoints may fall short of being reasonable viewpoints, or the explanation may lack logic.

6 pts

Possible opposing viewpoints are discussed in fewer than 3 sentences or are lacking in specificity or an argument focus.

0 pts

No possible opposing viewpoints are addressed, or the viewpoints are off-topic.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome I. D. Audience
10 pts

In at least 2 sentences, the student addresses the audience for the proposed essay. The discussion of audience reflects a strong understanding of readers and of invested groups.

8 pts

In at least 2 sentences, the student addresses the audience for the proposed essay. The discussion of audience reflects an understanding of readers and of invested groups, although the response may lack detail or reasons may lack specificity.

6 pts

The student addresses the audience for the proposed essay. The discussion of audience may reflect a need for a deeper understanding of readers and of invested groups. The response may lack detail or reasons may lack specificity.

0 pts

No discussion of audience is attempted, or the discussion of audience is off-topic.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome II. Paragraph of Understanding and Needs
25 pts

In a paragraph of 7-9 rich sentences, the student thoroughly addresses the knowns and unknowns regarding the student’s chosen debate with strong detail and in a manner conducive to beginning research and writing.

22 pts

In a paragraph of 7-9 sentences, the student addresses the knowns and unknowns regarding the student’s chosen debate. The paragraph may lack detail or may not be fully conducive to beginning research and writing.

19 pts

The student addresses the knowns and unknowns regarding the student’s chosen debate, but the paragraph lacks length, depth, or viability toward research and writing.

0 pts

The paragraph is either missing or is off-topic.

25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome III. Research Terms
10 pts

Five viable search phrases are listed, and the list covers discovering information, supporting the student’s stance, and addressing opposing viewpoints.

8 pts

Five viable search phrases are listed, and the list covers most of the following goals: discovering information, supporting the student’s stance, and addressing opposing viewpoints.

6 pts

Viable search phrases are listed, but fewer than five, or the list does not cover more than one of the following goals: discovering information, supporting the student’s stance, and addressing opposing viewpoints.

0 pts

Search terms are not listed or are off-topic

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA Document Formatting and Writing: Mechanics and Usage
5 pts

The assignment document itself displays correct APA Style in headers, pagination, and title page. The writing is free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

4 pts

The assignment document may have small errors in headers, pagination, and title page. The writing contains minor errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation.

3 pts

The assignment document may have major errors in headers, pagination, and title page. The writing contains numerous distracting errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation.

0 pts

The assignment document may completely lack APA formatting (header, pagination, title page) and/or may contain enough errors that reader comprehension is difficult.

5 pts
Total Points: 80


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