
[Solved] BIOL101 – Significance of Life Assignment



Significance of Life Assignment Instructions


We use the term life to refer to the overall quality of all physical things that are alive. While the subject of biology is the study of living things ranging from the microscopic to the global arena, we are called to form our view of what the Designer is like based on what He has made. The Bible points forcefully to the existence of a Designer from which we can learn His character. From the Designer of life, we can learn the significance of life. This assignment is based on the presentation, Life is Significant, which explores a Biblical basis for life’s significance.


After evaluating the presentation in the Learn section, Watch: Life is Significant, construct a single sentence to include within it four phrases that present that life forms other than man are significant. Start your sentence with the words:

“Life forms are significant because…”

Then add four distinct phrases gleaned from the presentation, separating each with a comma. Order the phrases such that the most important significance comes first and the least significant comes last.

  • Write out a four-phrase sentence which notes life’s significance according to the Watch: Life is Significant.
  • Reference the presentation, Watch: Life is Significant in current APA format.






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