
The Use of Different Typefaces in Advertising


The Use of Different Typefaces in Advertising


             Typefaces have an influence in the readers or viewers perception of a particular text. As such, different typefaces are often used in advertisement of goods and services. Typography involves the determination of how the particular letters, words, and symbols appear in the advertisement media (Guthrie, 11). Typography helps in creation of awareness of a product through building up the required styles in the content. Brands use different typography as they look towards outdoing each other in getting customers and retaining the available customers. Ideally, designing typefaces for different products is a craft. Often the different manufacturing companies may hire an expert to design the typefaces to be used in advertisement of their products. White (12), states that advertising uses the shortest period in capturing the attention of customers. The different kinds of typefaces used, the colors, and the graphics influence the perception that the clients have of a particular brand.

             There is an array of texts often used in the advertising Niche.  The selection of the particular type of fonts in addition to the correct graphics makes a difference in the manner that a particular brand is perceived (White, 13). There are fonts that relay sophistication of the brand while others imply the simplicity of the product.  Helvetica is the commonly used form of graphics in the advertising world.  The Helvetica fonts have a major form of variants making it easily changed into various designs.  The variants include Helvetica light, Helvetica rounded, Helvetica curved and Helvetica squared. Mostly it’s used in the creation of titles and as such ideal for company logos such as Panasonic, Motorola and General Motors. The simplicity and clarity portrayed by Helvetica made it easy to use. Bodoni is another font type majorly used in graphic designs. It helps in bringing out sharp contrast between thick and thin lines and stands out due to its geographic designs.  In the advertising field and in the media, the mostly used kind of typeface is Univers.  It has proved as one of the most successful innovations of the 21st Century. Univers has differed from all the other kind of typefaces as it allows consistency in all texts used in a document.  Designers prefer using Univers since they can set the typeface into a specific design for the whole text.

According to Grohmann, Joan, and Ian, (390), the kind of fonts used in advertisements influences, readability, memorability of advertisement claims, and brand attitude. The kind of fonts used shapes the brand personality perception in the market. In effect, the personality a brand creates in the market influences the consumer’s response to the brands.  Grohmann, Joan and Ian (390), indicate that in signage and logos, semantic information often appears in isolation making the type of fonts the only tool that advertisers can use.

Type Faces Impression in Marketing

  The theory of materiality tends to attribute a connection between items and the symbols used in their representation (Johanna, 9).  Socrates in expressed his idea that the letters are closely related to colors. Letters can hence lead to mimetic expressions formations (Johanna,9). Type faces used in marketing are significant in that they create a particular concept in the client about the brand. Consumer perception of a brand in the market is dictated by simple cues such as language translation, world length, color, and phonetic symbolism (Grohmann, Joan and Ian, 390).  The kind of type fonts used in marketing determines the kind of emotional feelings that a particular person gets (Guthrie,11).  Serif font type is considered to evoke a feeling that a brand is charming, elegant, beautiful, distinct, emotional, and interesting. Grohmann, Joan and Ian (390) consider Helvetica, a variance of Serif as targeting upper class, powerful in nature, classy, louder, manly and readable.

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 There are four main types of emotions that are evoked by the kind of typefaces used in advertising (Grohmann, Joan and Ian, 390). Firstly, typefaces evoke the pleasing impressions if the fonts used are natural, harmonious as well as flourishing impressions.  Type fonts are esteemed assuring when they are harmonious while elaborate fonts are considered less assuring.  Prominence impression increase with the weight of the type fonts used in the marketing logo.  The physical characteristics of the type fonts used create the semantic associations to particular brands.  The Gillette razor advertisement elicits reaction from parents on the need to shave since the baby will be very close to their faces.

Relationship between type font impressions and brands

             According to Childers and Jass (93), in print advertisements, the kind of type fonts used is transferred to the brand.  A brand is perceived luxurious if the advertisement fonts were extravagant, and formal. Jeep Car Company use of luxurious brand has made the clients perceive the car as portraying a specific social-economic status. Starbucks advertisement on luxury brands such as Dior seems to appeal to a group of high end customers On the other hand, a brand that uses casual front in advertising is considered as a casual product in the market (Grohmann, Joan and Ian, 391).   Madewell a casual clothing brand for young women makes its advertisement suitable for the middle income earners. Gender connotations (masculinity and feminity) are evoked through the kind of texts used.  Masculine products such as grills, ties, and shoes elicit a positive consumer reaction if the advertising text is masculine.  Feminine items such as handbags, and lipsticks evoked positive reactions if they are put across in a feminine writing font.  The reactions are common with communities like Chinese which perceive communications visually. The effect of the type fonts used goes beyond the consumer reactions to the attitudes created against a particular brand.

            In marketing of brands that are neutral in the market, consumers use brand font type to evaluate a particular brand (Childers and Jass, 96).  As such, Grohmann, Joan and Ian (391) build an inference that brand personality is developed from the type of font that is used in the advertising front. In the current marketing literature five perceptions are used in the branding personalization according to impression created. The perceptions include excitement, sincerity, competence, ruggedness and sophistication (Grohmann, Joan and Ian, 391).

Type Font Characteristics and Impression on Brand Personality

Most of the brands in the market use color on their logos and signage. Grohmann, Joan and Ian (392), found out that the different font colors and design characteristics displayed in a specific brand influences brand perceptions. In particular, when the brand name is made in high font, that’s natural and flourishing, the brand is perceived as sophisticated, rugged, sincere, and exciting. An increase in the weight of the font in the brand used results in sincerity, excitement and sophistication.  Therefore, the kind of fonts used in marketing highly determines the kind of the perception that the brand builds in the market. Marketing managers aiming at creating highly sophisticated perception should use natural, and flourish type fonts.      The use of light fonts in marketing make a brand appears sincere, exciting and sophisticated.

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             Consumers get a particular type of impression upon visualizing a particular kind of font. Grohmann, Joan and Ian (392) state that natural design makes the brand have an engaging response from the customers. In essence, the brand penetrates the market easily as it appears accessible to consumers. Interestingly, consumers acquire personality characteristics on the brand that uses fonts that are familiar and more human. Therefore, marketers should select font types that are exhibit harmony and a sense of naturalness in the brand creation.

Type Font Color and Brand Personalization

             In Marketing color fonts are common in advertising and internet fields. The font color used evokes a particular kind of emotions concerning the brand. Blue is the most significant type font color in use (Grohmann, Joan and Ian, 395). It builds the perception that a brand is more functional in its purpose. On the other hand, Red is used in brands that seek to elicit the feeling of sensory-social benefits.  It is essential to match the color of the logo with the message that a brand seeks to create in the market.  Colors that are associated with higher value often dictate the perception about a particular brand. Grohmann, Joan and Ian (396) found out that the color used in branding affects the consumer perceptions such as excitement and sophistication.  It is worthwhile to note that there are different impressions created by different font types as well as different brands. Dover (106) states that there are psychological associations between the type of color used and the impression created; either warm or cold.  Warm colors such as Red and Orange may evoke feelings of anger as well as excitement. Cold colors such as Blue, Green, and Violet may create a calming effect as well as a sad effect on the consumers. While using color in advertisements designers ought to consider the cultural background as well as the personal experiences with colors (Donev, 107). For example Yellow color in Malaysia is associated with cowardice while Germany associates Yellow color with cowardice. As such, an advertising firm having both towns as their market has to make a variant in the color used in advertisement.

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Advertising and Memory Creation

            Childers and Jass (104) indicate that the image created by a particular brand in the market is converted into semantic network nodes and stored as memory in their minds.  The consumer memory is adversely affected by the advertising typeface components, the copy, and the picture used.  Childers and Jass (104) indicate that semantic associations between various products may be activated through three main ways; consistency, through direct relation to the meaning created, through association containing abstract connotations. Consistency in meaning entails a company passing across the same message in various ways. For example, Johnson’s company logo has created an impression of gentleness of their products. Immediately consumers spot the logo, the semantic association stirs up their memory to remember gentleness.

             Direct relation to meaning involves objects whose picture helps the consumer to remember the particular way the object is used. The typeface used may relay the concept of thin depending on the thickness of the typeface used.  Childers and Jass (96), has established a strong relationship exists between an advertisement and the pictorial representation. Consumer memory is directly influenced by the kind of typefaces used in the advertising world.  Consistent usage of a specific typeface and pictorial advertisement will make the consumer have a specific memory on the brand. Unilever advertisement that dirt is good portraying how its detergent Omo cleans a fabric helps the consumers have a direct relationship with the item- Omo and cleaning clothes.

             Consumers past experiences with a brand may create a memory on a particular kind of brand.  Childers and Jass (104) give an example of the general motors brand logo. Initially, consumer first experience with the logo may evoke perceptions of strength and durability. Future encounters with the same brand may bring additional meaning and association between the brand name and its usage. A consumer who has purchased a vehicle from Toyota, in future may choose the same brand due to its durability. The meaning conveyed to consumers by a brand may differ from the meaning that the consumer initially acquired. The difference comes about due to the experiences relayed through direct or indirect pathways with the brand. Individual preferences for an advertisement may influence the memory created on the brand usage. An individual may have a preference for pictorial advertisement and as such an advertisement appearing to them may not fully appeal to them.

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The Language used in Advertisement

In relation to the kind of typefaces and fonts used in the market, language highly impacts on the effect an advertised brand has on the consumers ( Donev, 26). Language can influence the consumer in two main ways. In the first way the language helps to communicate to the consumer the meaning or purpose of the brand. Secondly the language is directly related to the realism created.  A brand marketing itself in China needs to use Chinese as the language of advertising to properly reach the target audience. Language helps the consumer in forming visual images of the item in the real world. The language used in communication influences the consumer world through the creation of memory concerning a particular brand. Donev (26) states that language influence cognitive activity since consumers act in relation to the information acquired. Visual impression in communication emerges since the representation of the communication material in different forms helps in creation of memory of a particular brand.  In conclusion, the typefaces used in advertisements greatly impacts on the perception created on the consumers. Type font, pictures, color, and graphic designs dictate on the positive or negative influence a brand may have in the market. The long lasting effect of brand marketing is memory creation. An advertisement can create a memory on a brand that makes the consumers relate the visual impression with the appearance of the brand.  Also, consumers prior experiences with the brand may help create either positive or negative memories about the brand.

Works cited

Childers, Terry L., and Jeffrey Jass. “All dressed up with something to say: Effects of typeface semantic associations on brand perceptions and consumer memory.” Journal of consumer psychology 12.2 (2002): 93-106.

 Donev, Aleksandar.  Typography in Advertising. Tomas Bata University,2015 ISBN 978-80-7454-134-6

Grohmann, Bianca, Joan L. Giese, and Ian D. Parkman. “Using type font characteristics to communicate brand personality of new brands.” Journal of Brand Management 20.5 (2013): 389-403. DOI: 10.1057/bm.2012.23

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Johanna Drucker . Entity to Event: From Literal, Mechanistic Materiality

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