
The Influence of World War 11 on American Nationalism


The Influence of World War 11 on American Nationalism


The American nationalism derived from a sense of unity and purpose was one of the main ideas during the declaration of independence. American citizens originate from diverse background representing different colors and races. Independence was meant to acknowledge each individual person as an equal citizen of the nation. Racial segregation was meant to be an evil of the past. The world war 11 impacted a lot on the daily lives of ordinary black Americans as well as women. There emerged opportunities for black people to serve the nations in place where previously they could not such as the military. Therefore, the world war 11 positively impacted on the American Nationalism.

Image 1 – Cadets paraded as a military major inspects the parade

Cadets paraded as a military major inspects the parade

In the image, there are cadets paraded as a military major inspects the parade. The image captured in 1941 indicates the first group of Tuskegee men that had joined the military.  It included the first group of black men to join the military[1]. As they went out to war to fight for USA, the military persons were interestingly considered as second class citizens in their own country. Equality among the races was slowly being achieved as black people were allowed into opportunities normally considered as a reserve for the whites. The graduation of the first groupof cadets shows that regardless of any race, nationalism can still be achieved through rendering honorable service to the military.

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Image 2 – Military men in the war ground

Military men in the war ground

The first image depicts the picture of military men in the war ground. The image presents a group of worn out military personnel of diverse races.[2] The men are fully armored indicating their preparedness to go for war.  The military men are collecting corpses in the war ground.  Here, the intensity of the war is brought into being. Despite the preparedness to fight the enemy. Some soldiers loss their lives in combat. Nevertheless, the image represents the willingness of the national government in committing its forces in the war. The forces contained an equal representation of the various races in America. The image contains the inclusivity of the various persons regardless of their racial background in America workforce.  Racial segregation saw the Black Americans locked out of military engagements. Starting with the famous Tuskegee men, the black men could easily join the American military as well as the cadets. The image communicates an integrated war force where each kind of American national is esteemed as an equal in the nation.  The opportunities for all in the American nation to join the military indicate a changed kind of nation where nationalism has been actualized.

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Image 3 – Appeal to American ladies to join the military

Appeal to American ladies to join the military

The advertisement poster for the American ladies to join the military during the height of the world war 11 indicates a changed state. Unlike previous eras, the women would take on jobs that were perceived as a reservation for men. Nationalism was coming into being as equality among the genders was continually being achieved. The military portrayed a romantic side of the war, through asking for the ladies, whose hearts are star studded. Ladies joining the military was perceived as a patriotic duty to the nation[3].  The war had fueled nationalism as new posts for civilians in the military. Women from diverse racial backgrounds were open to fill up the places. Also, industrial jobs emerge as more men were already fighting in the war. Women left traditional roles as home keepers and got opportunities to work away from their homes[4]. The poster effectively communicated the message of changed times in the life of ordinary American woman. Nationalism was created through equality between the different genders.

Let’s go get ‘em – Call to join U.S. Millitary

Image 4 -Let’s go get ‘em – Call to join U.S. Millitary

The image contains an advertisement for men to join the United States Marine. Unlike the advertisement for women, the photo contained images of the military personnel fighting in the war ground. Through the theme, “Let’s go get ‘em,” the image represents the actual situation in the war ground. [5]American flag in the image indicates nationalism in participating in the war. Through the image, the United States Marine helped the world in realizing the kind of military hardships in the ground. The pursuit of the American enemies was a national duty that was inclusive of all kinds of people, regardless of race or skin color. The image indicated the readiness the military personnel have while it comes to combat.  Through the image, potential marine officers got to understand the situation they would likely encounter in the line of duty.  Through participation in the war, nationalism was achieved as it was a fight against a common enemy.

Image 5 – Items used in the Production of nuclear energy in America

 The world war 11 resulted in American using nuclear energy in a more comfortable set after world war 11 had elapsed. The cartoon character depicts a set of items used in the Production of nuclear energy in the American society. The cold war season marked with tensions ranging between 1940s to 1960s was between the Soviet Union and America[6]. Nuclear energy production grew as nations looked forward to attacking each other silently using nuclear bombs[7]. The American government was advocating for nationalism as they made the various citizens to acquit themselves with production of nuclear energy. War had propagated a new version of the nationalism though the preparation to fight the enemy at any opportune moment through being armored.

Items used in the Production of nuclear energy in America

Image 6 – An appeal for the American citizens to buy war bonds

The Image indicated an appeal for the American citizens to buy the bonds in support of the ongoing war. Through the image, the American citizens could understand the financial need for various troops engaging in war against the common enemy. The purchase of the war bonds indicated the kind of patriotism in the American citizens in working towards the national goals. The increased numbers of military women and men meant increased wages within an economy that was not doing so well. The war had a financial toil on the nation. A different kind of nationalism in America emerges through financial support for the military forces.

An appeal for the American citizens to buy war bonds


            The images used throughout the essay depict the manner in which nationalism was influenced by the world war 11.  In the first image the black men who were considered as an inferior race could now join the military. Racial segregation begins to fade as equality in all American citizens is observed. The American army continued being in the fore front in ensuring nationalism is adhered to through observing equality in recruiting service men and women.  The

Second image emphasizes on the equality of various citizens through portraying the various races in the army. The corpses in the image reflect the fatality of war. Citizens get to know what military officers go through in the war area as indicated in the fourth image.  Through the occurrence of the war, equality among the genders opened up opportunities for women in the military as indicated in the third image. The war brought forth varying dimensions of nationalism among the individual citizens. Image 6 depicts the need to support the war through purchasing the war bonds. Also, image 5 shows nationalism through building up nuclear image equipment. Throughout the essay, the aspect of nationalism has emerged as inclusive. The ideals of nationalism stem from a need for the various citizens to engage in activities that would reflect their nationalism to their nation.


Locke, Joseph, and Ben Wright. “The American Yawp.” (2015).

[1] Locke, Joseph, and Ben Wright. “The American Yawp.” (2015). 24

[2]  Ibid, 24

[3] Ibid, 24


[5] Ibid, 24



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