[Solved] LEI 4524 Assignment – WP7 Conflict Resolution



You have a customer that is not happy with your organization.  They want you to make a concession for them, that is not company policy.  You have an angry customer who is arguing and using profanity at one of your staff members.  Their family has been valued customers over the years, so if you lose this individual’s business, you lose the whole family’s business.

The first step to resolve the conflict would be to listen and understand the position of the customer. I would do this by listening attentively having put my own emotions and biases aside with the main goal of empathizing with their grievances. This is as advised by Segal, Robinson and Smith (2019) who note that during conflict, it is possible to be inclined to lose control based on own emotions and try to justify an own perspective …………… (Please click on ‘Buy’ to access the full solution).


LEI 4524-002



  • Course Hours:ONLINE
  • Course Meeting Location:NA
  • Credit Hours:3 hours
  • Prerequisites:None


This course introduces the concepts, principles, and best practices for leading and supervising employees of Recreation, Tourism, and Events organizations, however, the principals are applicable for any profession.

In order to fulfill FSU’s Upper-Division Writing requirement, the student must earn a “C-” or higher in the course, and earn at least a “C-” average on the required writing assignments. If the student does not earn a “C-” average or better on the required writing assignments, the student will not earn an overall grade of “C-” or better in the course, no matter how well the student performs in the remaining portion of the course.


Instructor Name: Joy Saddler, MS, CHE

Title: Instructor

Email: jsaddler@ fsu.edu

(850) 770.7723 Office

Department / Office Location: PC Campus

Holley Bldg.  Rm A-lllB

Office Hours: T/TH  10am-12noon EST or by appt.

Emails will be responded to within 24 to 48 hours.


Name(s) of Teaching Assistant: Amanda Wendt

Email address: awendt@fsu.edu

Office Hours: N/A


At the completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Explain, via practical examples, the fundamental principles of organizational management.
  2. Develop and defend your preferred choices of leadership style and approaches to management as it relates to your future career.
  3. Explain the theories of motivation, rewards, and discipline within organizations.
  4. Analyze and improve an organization’s plan for recruiting, interviewing, hiring, orienting, and supervising new employees in an organization where you intend to have your career.
  5. Create a set of organizational goals and outcome-oriented objectives for an organization in your career field.
  6. Utilize the fundamentals of organizational structure to analyze an organizational chart.
  7. Analyze and recommend improvements for situations regarding an organization’s approaches to strategic planning, decision making, coordination of resources, and communications with staff.
  8. Use management tools such as a decision-making chart, to solve a management case study.
  9. Use appropriate evidence from multiple resources to illustrate how a chosen topic is relevant to a particular field.
  10. Employ different resources such as words, graphs, charts, and/or images.
  11. Compose as a process, including drafts, revision, and editing.
  12. Convey ideas clearly, coherently, and effectively for a particular purpose, occasion, or audience as appropriate.


For this unit/week/section, you must complete the following material:


Hurd, Amy R., Barcelona, Robert J., Zimmermann, Jo An M., Ready, Janet, (2020). Leisure Services Management, 2nd edition. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics


  • Students should log on to Canvas at least every other day to check for course updates.
  • Students are expected to keep up with the class, engage with the course material, and submit assignments by the due dates.
  • Assignments, quizzes, and exams are expected to be products of individual students per the FSU Academic Honor PolicyLinks to an external site.. Students should not discuss any of the questions with each other before or during the actual assignments, activities, quizzes, or exams without instructor approval.
  • To receive maximum points for questions, students need to follow the instructions carefully, follow word limits as instructed, and use spell and grammar checking.
  • To be successful in this course, students need to complete all required assignments and tests.


Assignment Pts Total Pts
Writing Projects 9 @ 20 pts 180 pts
Discussion Brds 2 @ 20pts 40 pts
Quizzes 10 @ 5pts 50 pts
Final Exam 1 @ 30 pts 30 pts
300 pts

WRITTEN PROJECTS (9 @ 20 pts = 180 pts)

These projects give the student the opportunity to apply course content to practical situations that will occur in their professional career.  These projects are also an opportunity to demonstrate and improve your upper-division writing skills.  The content quality of the project will count for 10 points and your writing skills will count for 10 points for each Written Project.  The writing aspect is half the grade, therefore please utilize resources we have available through the writing lab tutors to help maximize your grade.

You are to have at least two separate reference sources for each written project that are in addition to any reference to the course text or the instructor’s PowerPoints unless specifically stated otherwise in the assignment description.

For two of your Written Projects (WP#1 and WP #3) you will edit and re-submit the paper for an improved grade after it has been initially graded and feedback has been given.  This is a key part of the concept of the Upper-Division Writing Course.  You are expected to learn from the feedback and improve your writing in the next assignments.

  • The resubmission must occur within one week of the feedback you are given.
  • Please note that the grade for your first submission will count
  • Revision submission will also count for your revised paper grade.

If you miss the due date for a Written Project, you may submit it up to three days after the deadline with a late penalty via Canvas, but there will be a deduction of one letter grade as a late penalty. Therefore, you should plan to complete your written project a day or two in advance of the due date, just in case you are ill or have some other difficulty when the due date occurs.


Writing Competency

The instructor will evaluate the efforts of each student not only for the content presented but also for spelling, grammar, punctuation, neatness, and organization of thought.  Significant reductions in grade will occur for poor writing (see rubric).

Format Expectations for Written Assignments

These guidelines are to assist a student in preparing papers and assignments for submission in this course.  Papers and assignments that do not meet these expectations will be subject to a reduction in the grade.

These will apply to all assignments unless otherwise notified.

  • Font size: 12 points font
  • Spacing:  single or double spacing
  • Margins: Standard 1 inch margins
  • Title: Include your name, class title & title of the assignment, instructor’s name, and date at the top of the page.  These are single spaces on the title page.
    • Example:
      • Name – Joe Jones
      • Class – LEI 4524 
      • Instructor’s Name – Joy Saddler
      • Project name: DB 1 – Mandatory check in
      • Date – May 11, 2020
    • Reference and in-text citations:  Use MLA or APA format
    • Submit assignments through Canvas, not by email.
    • Create subheading for assignments with multiple parts (topics or questions).

DISCUSSION BOARDS (2 @ 20 Pts = 40 pts)

The Discussion Board is an opportunity for you to interact with your classmates.  It is an important part of our course and ideally, it will allow you to learn from each other and challenge one another to expand our borders. Discussion Boards are two parts, both requiring a minimum of four paragraphs each section.


Part A – Submission – Student will upload their input, answering questions, and completing the first part of the assignment.  Utilize at least two resources outside of the text or lectures to solidify your points, cite your work within your project and then list it at the end.  Submissions formats and requirements will vary, but all will have a minimum of four (4) paragraphs unless otherwise specified. Generally, most discussion boards will be no more than two pages.

*Submissions are due by Thursday @ 11:59 pm to give students time for Responses, which are due by Sundays at 11:59 pm, except for DB1.

* The requirement of at least two (2) references/resources outside of the text to support your information in your submission, unless otherwise stated.    Those who do not choose to use and list your references will automatically score a less. 

Part B – Response – Students are required to respond to two other student’s submissions, which is half the points of Discussion Boards. Be positive and give additional information on the subject matter, and/or recommend resources to check out.  Responses require two paragraphs per studentResponse to another student is due by 12-noon Sunday (EST)

Final Exam (30 points)

A comprehensive online open book Final Exam that will cover all material from the course and text.  This is a timed exam within Canvas, not a proctored exam.  Due to the timeframe you have to complete this exam, you will need to be familiar with the material, otherwise, you will run out of time.  This exam is to be done on individual bases.

Work Products

All work must be original to you and done for the first time this semester for this class.  Submitting the same academic work (including oral presentations) in full or parts of works previously submitted for credit in another class is not permitted.  Doing so constitutes a violation of the University’s Academic Honor Policy.


The following grading standards will be used in this class:

Grading Scheme Breakdown
Grade Range

A 100% to 93%
A- < 93% to 90%
B+ < 90% to 87%
B < 87% to 83%
B- < 83% to 80%
C+ < 80% to 77%
C < 77% to 73%
C- < 73% to 70%
D+ < 70% to 67%
D < 67% to 63%
D- < 63% to 60%
F < 60% to 0%


All FSU course exams for FSU students are proctored for free at the Gulf Coast State College Testing Center (Links to an external site.).

To request a proctored exam, contact:

850-769-1551, extension 3336
Fax: 850-873-3592
Student Union West, Room 80


Course content is accessible through Canvas. Students will need to be able to view videos, write and upload assignments, post to discussion boards, and take assessments. Students should have access to high-speed internet and updated software. Mobile devices may be used to view the course content, upload assignments, and take assessments as determined by the instructor. To view the most current technology requirements, visit the FSU Canvas support site.


Need help with Canvas? Contact FSU Canvas Support:

Email: canvas@fsu.edu

Phone: (850) 644-8004

Website: support.canvas.fsu.edu

Hours: 8am to 5pm, Monday – Friday



For Discussions:

  • Please use polite, respectful behavior when posting your responses to prompts in the Discussion Boards.
  • Be mindful of how you express your emotions and humor, and be sensitive to cultural and ability differences of your online peers.
  • Keep postings to the point, and make sure your comments are relevant to the topic of discussion.
  • Avoid messages such as, “Wow,” “Way to go,” or “Ditto” and aim for comments that validate other members’ ideas through careful explanation of why.
  • When replying, give a short description in the subject line of what you are replying to, and use correct punctuation and spelling throughout your post.

For Email Communication:

  • For email, please respond to your instructor’s and peers’ messages within a 24-hour period.
  • Use a brief description in the subject line that outlines the topic of discussion.
  • Avoid using slang or profane words.
  • Use your instructor’s correct title he or she prefers for communication.
  • Avoid using emoticons, such as smiley faces, and maintain a professional demeanor.
  • Sign your email messages using your full name.
  • AVOID USING ALL CAPS. This makes the message visually difficult to read and is perceived by the reader as “shouting.”
  • Use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation, just as you would for any communication.
  • Ask yourself whether you would be comfortable if someone other than the intended receiver were to read your message. Remember, email is not a completely secure form of communication.
  • Refrain from “flaming,” which is expressing a strongly held opinion without tact or regard for others. Don’t assume that recipients will know the intent of the message (e.g., “just kidding”). It reads differently when it’s in print (electronic or not).
  • Report any inappropriate communication considered to be of a serious nature to your instructor, as it may be a violation of University policy.
  • Treat others with respect by making messages clear and succinct.


Excused absences include documented illness, deaths in the family and other documented crises, call to active military duty or jury duty, religious holy days, and official University activities. These absences will be accommodated in a way that does not arbitrarily penalize students who have a valid excuse. Consideration will also be given to students whose dependent children experience serious illness.


There will be weekly assignments to complete.  All course work for each week will be under your Modular tab.  All assignments will remain open 3 days after an assignment deadline.  Any work submitted during that time will receive one letter grade lower than you would originally score.  If an excused absence than no penalty will be deducted.


  • Email responses typically within 24 to 48 hours.
  • Graded assignments typically returned within 2 weeks after the due date.



Excused absences include documented illness, deaths in the family and other documented crises, call to active military duty or jury duty, religious holy days, and official University activities. These absences will be accommodated in a way that does not arbitrarily penalize students who have a valid excuse. Consideration will also be given to students whose dependent children experience serious illness.


The Florida State University Academic Honor Policy outlines the University’s expectations for the integrity of students’ academic work, the procedures for resolving alleged violations of those expectations, and the rights and responsibilities of students and faculty members throughout the process. Students are responsible for reading the Academic Honor Policy and for living up to their pledge to “…be honest and truthful and… [to] strive for personal and institutional integrity at Florida State University.” (For more details see the FSU Academic Honor Policy and procedures for addressing alleged violationsLinks to an external site..)


Students with disabilities needing academic accommodation should (1) register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center and (2) bring a letter to the instructor indicating the need for accommodation and what type. Please note that instructors are not allowed to provide classroom accommodation to a student until appropriate verification from the Student Disability Resource Center has been provided. This syllabus and other class materials are available in alternative format upon request. For more information about services available to FSU students with disabilities, contact the:

Student Disability Resource Center (Tallahassee Campus)Links to an external site.
874 Traditions Way
108 Student Services Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4167
(850) 644-9566 (voice)
(850) 644-8504 (TDD)
Email: sdrc@admin.fsu.edu

Students Disability Resource Center (Panama City Campus)Links to an external site.
Dr. Kimberly Leath
Office of Student Affairs
2nd Floor Barron Building (Room 215)
Email: kleath@fsu.edu or sds@pc.fsu.edu
(850) 770-2172 (office)
(866) 693-7872 (toll free)


On-campus tutoring and writing assistance are available for many courses at Florida State University. For more information, visit the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) Tutoring Services’ comprehensive list of on-campus tutoring options – see the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) Tutoring Services’ websiteLinks to an external site. or contact tutor@fsu.edu. High-quality tutoring is available by appointment and on a walk-in basis. These services are offered by tutors trained to encourage the highest level of individual academic success while upholding personal academic integrity.


“Except for changes that substantially affect the implementation of the evaluation (grading) statement, this syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with advance notice.”



On-campus tutoring and writing assistance are available for many courses at Florida State University. At the PC campus, tutoring is available either in-person at the Robbins Center for Academic Excellence and Innovation in the Holley Building (which also houses the Digital Design Studio, across from Cahall’s) or via Skype through the FSU Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) Tutoring Services. To inquire about tutoring options for the PC campus, please visit the FSU Panama City Free Tutoring websiteLinks to an external site. or contact an academic advisor in the Advising Center in the Holley Building. High-quality tutoring is available by appointment and via distance through ACE. These services are offered by tutors trained to encourage the highest level of individual academic success while upholding personal academic integrity.

See below for contact information for the PC campus academic advisors:


Counseling services are available on campus (and at no cost for FSU Panama City students) in order to help students with a variety of issues including time management, stress, depression, and anxiety. To inquire about counseling services or to schedule free and confidential counseling services, students can call (850) 770-2174 or Toll Free: (866) 693-7872 (ext. 2174) to make an appointment or stop in the Student Affairs office on the 2nd floor of Barron Building, room 218, and ask to speak with a counselor. If a counselor is unavailable, leave a phone number or e-mail address with the receptionist in Room 210 and you will be contacted as soon as possible. Appointments may also be made by emailing Kathleen Duval, LCSW at krduval@fsu.edu. Again, these services are free and confidential for FSU students. Visit the FSU PC counseling services websiteLinks to an external site. for more information.


FSU Panama City has established a Food Pantry where students in need can pick up non-perishable food items freely and anonymously. The Food Pantry is located near the bookstore on the first floor of the Barron Building and is free and open to all students to take what they need. For more information, please visit the Food Pantry service websiteLinks to an external site..

Donations for collection of non-perishable food items can be placed in donation boxes located at the Food Pantry in the Barron or at the entrance to the Holley Center. If you have questions or concerns, you can contact Kathleen Duval LCSW at krduval@fsu.edu or (850) 770-2174.


We at FSU Panama City are committed to student success, safety, and well-being. Our campus believes in proactively providing resources for students to be successful and engaged at FSU Panama City, while also keeping student and campus safety a top priority. Part of our proactive approach for student success includes providing access to tutoring, advising, and other resources as early as possible when any issues arise. Additionally, our campus has safety procedures for all classrooms (and for the campus as a whole), and all students, faculty, and staff should make themselves aware of their surroundings and safeguards.

If you see something, say something. This is an important guideline for both academics and safety. Reporting incidents or observations is important to proactively assist students and others on campus. This may include: faculty contacting advisors or tutors after seeing a marked change in a student’s academic performance or class attendance, or a student reporting to FSU PC Police something alarming that another student said on social media, or staff reporting disturbances they saw in someone’s behavior (which can be done anonymously online via the Behavior of Concern Form). The main goal of proactive assistance is to provide the best FSU PC experience as possible for everyone and encourage all to be successful.

The PC Proactive Approach involves several departments and initiatives on campus (available for both undergraduate and graduate students). Please review these resources below:


All course assignments and texts with due dates are listed below. To be successful in this course, be sure to complete all required assignments by the due date.

Course Summary:


Date Details
Sun May 17, 2020
Assignment DB 1 Mandatory Check-In due by 11:59pm
Thu May 21, 2020
Assignment Quiz 1 due by 11:59pm
Tue May 26, 2020
Assignment Written Project 1 – WP1 Leadership & Management Theories due by 12pm
Mon Jun 1, 2020
Assignment DB2 – Leadership Characteristics due by 12pm
Sun Jun 7, 2020
Assignment Quiz 2 Ch. 2 & 3 due by 11:59pm
Mon Jun 8, 2020
Assignment WP2 – Re-write of WP1 due by 11:59pm
Sun Jun 14, 2020
Assignment WP3 – Mgt. and Leadership Trends due by 11:59pm
Thu Jun 18, 2020
Assignment Quiz 3 – Ch. 4 and Ch 5  due by 11:59pm
Wed Jun 24, 2020
Assignment WP4 re-write of WP3 due by 11:59pm
Sun Jun 28, 2020
Assignment WP5 – Goals & Objectives due by 11:59pm
Sun Jul 5, 2020
Assignment WP6 – Problem Solving due by 11:59pm
Thu Jul 9, 2020
Assignment Quiz 4 – Ch. 6 & 8  due by 11:59pm
Sun Jul 12, 2020
Assignment WP7 Conflict Resolution due by 11:59pm



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