PHI 2630 – Ethical Issues and Life Choices Response to Philosophy article


PHI 2630 Ethical Issues and Life Choices.

Response to Philosophy article.

………….main philosophical argument in the article that I disagree with is that there should be a moral basis on the consumption of meat.  Therefore, the author argues that there is no point in creating things mainly for the basis of consumption……….

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PHI 2630 Ethical Issues and Life Choices.

Response to Philosophy article.

The philosophical argument I disagree with

The main philosophical argument in the article that I disagree with is that there should be a moral basis on the consumption of meat.  Therefore, the author argues that there is no point in creating things mainly for the basis of consumption. He argues that even if there are clear procedures and measures as to how the meat should be eaten, there is no morality in an animal suffering death so that human beings may enjoy the meat.  The author predisposes that human beings should not be creators of things merely to bring the items created, such as animals to an unprecedented death through killing them for meat.  The author concludes that killing animals for meat purposes is subjecting them to intense pain.

I disagree with the argument of not killing animals for meat merely on a moral basis. Human beings and animals are in different classes of nature and as such cannot be compared in the decision-making practice. Human beings belong to a higher natural class as compared to animals. I disagree with the notion that human beings cause painful deaths to animals as there is no death that is less painful. There is no way in which one can equate the pain that death brings about as painless in one scenario and less painful in a similar scenario, pain hurts the same way.

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Appx. 500 words.


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