
Full iHuman Case Solution – Athena Washington SBAR (Neurovascular Assessment Answer)


This is a fully comprehensive answer to Athena Washington’s i-human case study. Including her SBAR and case documentation.

Ms. Washington is a 48-year-old African American woman. She was brought to the ED by her husband after experiencing stroke-like symptoms such as severe pounding headache, slurred speech, and disorientation. She has signs of neurological deficit and left side weakness. PT has never been hospitalized and has a history of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. The patient is Alert and Oriented x 3. No Known allergies and full code. During head-to-toe assessment noted left side facial drooping, left-sided weakness in arms and legs. Moderate dysarthria present and slurred speech. Good respiratory effort, lungs clear in all fields, chest expansion symmetric. NIH Stroke Scale score of 11. The patient is not agitated or hostile towards others.



When taking a nursing course, i-human case studies are a critical part of the assessment. (i-human cases are developed by Kaplan Inc for nursing learning centers and can be found in courses such as NR305, NUR221, etc).

This case solution is for Athena Washington and her Neurovascular Assessment. A comprehensive review is given that will guide your i-human answer for this specific case.

Here are the repeated instruction for the prompt in the NR305 Week 4 class.

The following are the instructions for the paper. Follow them keenly to answer the question.

  • Access the Athena Washington Case Assignmentin iHuman by clicking on the “Load Assignment in a New Window” button at the bottom of this assignment page. If prompted, select to load the case in a new browser window.

     Note: It may take a few moments for iHuman cases to load in your web browser, so please be patient.

  • Complete the prework questions associated with the case. Prework is required to be completed before you can move on or before you can replay a case. Be sure that you have submitted each pre-work exercise for evaluation before you move on to the next. Your answers are not graded but are intended to get you thinking about the case.
  • Begin the case and complete these sections: (100 points total, immediate feedback/grade will be provided to you by iHuman when complete)
  1. EHR Review
  2. Health History
  3. Physical Assessment

Note: there is no time limit on completing cases.

Answer Snippet

SBR Note

  1. Situation

Ms. Washington is a 48-year-old African American woman. She was brought to the ED by her husband after experiencing stroke-like symptoms such as severe pounding headache, slurred speech, and disorientation. She has signs of neurological deficit and left side weakness. PT has never been hospitalized and has a history of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. The patient is Alert and Oriented……..(Get the full comprehensive answer by clicking on BUY – $10 only).


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