
[Instructions] – Has aid been effective in achieving development objectives? (SE-6015M)


[Instructions] – Has aid been effective in achieving development objectives? (SE-6015M)



University of Bradford – Division of Economics

Essay options

One essay of 1500-2000 words

1         Conditional cash transfers have reduced income poverty. Discuss the evidence base for this claim.

2         Has aid been effective in achieving development objectives?

3         Discuss the main components of development policy promoted by the Washington Consensus.  On what grounds has it been criticised?

4         Can the Millennium Development Goal 1 be attained by 2015? Discuss your answer with country examples, identifying some of the key issues that policy makers need to address post-2015.

5         Critically examine whether migrants’ remittances contribute to development. Discuss with reference to a country of your choice.

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