
Covid-19 as a complex social problem (Answered).


Covid-19 as a complex social problem (Answered).

COVID-19 is a complex social problem, in my perspective, for two major reasons. First, the economic ripple effects that have already spread across the U.S. where individuals have lost sources of income and the government has not effectively supplemented this loss in income with relief funds. Secondly, the social strain on people with challenges spanning from household stability, mental health, to drug and substance abuse. I have read a lot in the media about economic effects of COVID-19 and I find them summed up well, at least in a way that I relate with, in the article by Ross (2020).

According to Ross (2020), COVID-19 has disproportionately affected workers of color who are the majority of low-wage employees in the U.S. Citing employment statistics, the article proves that ‘occupational segregation’ has led to more suffering for specific groups of people; employees of color. I believe this is an interdisciplinary issue as it draws from the field of economics and how labor works, as well as the field of sociology and the interaction and integration between people. On one hand, companies have to lay off employees because they need to cater for the bottom line but on the other hand, this reveals a social issue where people of color have been put, via inefficient and discriminatory policies, in the harm’s way of a global pandemic.

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On social strain, a personal experience I have includes cases I have observed of families getting distabilized as income drops and hopelessness and fear increases. This includes some cases where family members have died leaving behind households with no breadwinners. The outcome of COVID-19 in this sense has been an increase in mental health problems that also cause spikes in death rates related to suicide. The most affected lives are also of people of color and so I find this perspective – on social strain – similar or related to the economic outcomes. As a whole therefore, COVID-19 becomes a problem with several facets including economic and social.

At a smaller scale, the ripple effects I have seen that I could relate to the article by Ross (2020) are the difficulty in survival for most students due to the pressure to cope with a lot of changes. At first it was just dealing with closure of campus but this grew more difficult to deal with as it became apparent that the new normal would be online classes. The panic cause by COVID-19 especially fear of losing loved ones and getting infected did as well exacerbate the situation hence disrupting studies for most of us at FSU. These effects compound under mental health. However in general, health has been equally a big dimension of solving COVID-19. This is particularly recalling the curfew measure imposed on us, the hand-washing and mask-wearing guidelines, and all the associated rules. These add to the multidisciplinary view of COVID-19.

In summary therefore, I perceive COVID-19 as a complex problem involving the disciplines of sociology, economics, psychology (mental health), and general health.


Ross, J., 2020. Workers Of Color In The Low-Wage Workforce Taking Major Hit As The Economy Suffers. [online] NBC News. Available at: <> [Accessed 22 November 2020].

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