
(Answer) – An encoder, as discussed in class, makes the assumption that only one input line is active at a time. A priority encoder allows multiple inputs to be active, and outputs the binary representation for the highest priority line input currently active. (Electrical Engineering)


(Answer) – An encoder, as discussed in class, makes the assumption that only one input line is active at a time. A priority encoder allows multiple inputs to be active, and outputs the binary representation for the highest priority line input currently active. (Electrical Engineering)

An encoder, as discussed in class, makes the assumption that only one input line is active at a time. A priority encoder allows multiple inputs to be active, and outputs the binary representation for the highest priority line input currently active. Assume lower binary numbers have higher priority. For example, if lines 2, 3, and 7 are active, the output will be Ob010 (“2”).

Design a 8-to-3 binary encoder, with priority in binary sequence (i.e. input line 0 has higher priority than input line 1 etc). There should also be an “active” output which is 1 when any input line is active, and “0” when all input lines are 0. If all input lines are 0, the output lines other than the “active” output are “don’t care”. Implement and verify the circuit.

BONUS: Implement a similar circuit for an arbitrary priority sequence; for example, if line 3 had highest priority, followed by 4,0,2,1,5,7,6. Discuss how you might make a programmable priority encoder, where the input priority could be changed by a user in the field.

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