
The Nature of science


The Nature of science

             Why Curiosity is the Key to Medicine and Science.  Jones explains the phenomenon behind science as the how. Once someone gets curious on a certain occurrence, they will go into offer a prediction which upon testing can be affirmed or discarded. How Simple ideas lead to Scientific discoveries.  In the Ted talk, the speaker speaks of the manner in which the simple ideas generated in people’s mind lead up to great scientific discoveries. An example is the ball going on to the back of the Wagon, leads to the discovery of the movements of the sub-atomic particles. A new way to explain Explanation. Deutsch, explains the concept of understanding the way things are through explanation. For example, he cites how people should learn how to keep their food supply without failing.  Throughout the three Ted Talks, there are three specific characteristic of science that emerged; Science is an attempt to explain natural phenomenon, science is empirically based, and simply observation in science is theory laden. The major field of interest is that there is no one way; step by step basis of doing science.

             Science is empirically based on the evidence supporting the hypothesis.  In the Curiosity is the Key to Medicine and science, Jones 0.31describes science as the knowledge in process. One gets a prediction of the outcome of an idea, goes on to test it, and then he either discards the prediction or affirms it. Further along, he explains, the failures in the prediction of an outcome, teaches people to ask question and in that manner science grows (Jones 1;25).  Rizky (2018) affirms that science is knowledge that can be tested through scientific methods.  She states that through observations and additional experiments the hypothesis is validated or discarded. In relation to the main field of knowledge, the concept of science as empirically based is a continuous process that is not just based on one single step by step process. Rather, it is a creative process, where different methods are used in developing empirically based knowledge. For example, though the use of a telescope Galileo found out that the earth is not at the centre of the universe.

Science is an attempt to explain natural phenomenon.  In a new way to explain Explanations; Deutsch, 2;11 explains that after radioactivity was discovered in 1899, it took a whole 40 years for physicists  to discover the explanation.  Many discoveries had to be made in order to fully make the symbols for the explanation (Deutsch 2;29). The concept can be linked Weisberg, Hopkins and Taylor (2018), affirmed that scientific knowledge is an attempt to describe natural phenomenon through stating that people define frameworks to decide whether the explanations given on the concept is true or not.  They state that the explanations can be based on reduction principles or explanatory references.  In relation to my major field of interest, an attempt to explain natural phenomenon is not based on one existing plan. Each person has a way of conducting their fact finding objectives to either affirm or discard their generated explanation of specific phenomenon.  For instance, the assumption that the earth is at the centre of the universe can be researched from different perspectives.

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             Simple observation in science is theory laden. In the Ted talk, How Simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries. Savage, 0.30 statesthe human brain is capable of recording things; even when a person does not necessarily understand their importance. Later on in life the simple ideas might turn out to great knowledge. Savage 0.37 outlines the way in which a young boy conversation with the father about a ball keeping going to the back of the wagon lead to one of the greatest discoveries in motion of particles. In accordance to the concept, Bogen (2009), observational evidence is vital since it leads to scientific theory. In relation to the main theory, there is no standard way in which observation should be conducted; like in the Ted Talk, simple ideas may emanate from a conversation or even a letter received from a friend.

            In conclusion, the nature of science is empirically based evidence on hypothesis, an attempt to explain natural phenomena, and theories emanating from simple ideas. Each scientific fact should be tested so as to be aptly classified as knowledge.  Natural existing phenomena such as the sun shine can be aptly explained by science. The simple ideas in life, such as the body getting fatigued can be explained by science.   In the field of interest, I would pause the question of how to ensure the food supply never fails. I suppose the professionals in the discipline would design questionnaires to determine the food consumption rates among both rural and urban households. The data collected would be helpful in devising methods to sustain the food production lines. Also, the professionals would seek to know what causes a reduction in food supply and the consumer regulatory agencies managing food prices.


Adam Savage: How simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries (Links to an external site.)

Bogen, J. (2009). Theory and Observation in Science.

David Deutsch: A new way to explain explanation (Links to an external site.)

Kevin B. Jones: Why curiosity is the key to science and medicine (Links to an external site.) 

 Rizky, N (2018). Knowledge and Science.

Weisberg, D. S., Hopkins, E. J., & Taylor, J. C. (2018). People’s explanatory preferences for scientific phenomena. Cognitive research: principles and implications, 3(1), 44.

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